Digibati features & tools
Building footprint extraction
Associated buildings
Buildings association lets Digibati to know that multiple footprints stand for a multi-part building, like a castle with its towers
Automatic Copy / Paste
Do not waste your time to extract similar buildings repeatedly. Just copy and paste the building. Try our exclusive Automatic Paste feature, Digibati will search similar buildings for you.
Automatic extraction
Use Digibati exclusive automatic extraction tools to speed up your production. Detect building location points and extract building footprint from them or extract white and red roof buildings in one click.
Batch processes
Most of the automatic features can be batched over many raster tiles.
Brush tool
The most unique feature of Digibati. Paint over buildings to extract their footprints, it is as easy as that. You can even dig holes inside buildings thanks to the Anti-brush.
Buildings are unique
Each building produced by Digibati owns a unique identifier. This identifier is unique over the whole world for a given coordinate reference system. Multi-part building shapes have the same identifier.
Choose your details level
Adjust the details you want for the footprint extraction: From rectangular shapes to more complex shapes. The details level applies to automatic extraction and the brush.
DTM support
Load a DTM (Digital Terrain Model) file to get footprint elevation.
Footprint edition
Adjust the building footprint thanks to the assisted edition tool. Building edge are snapped to the image features automatically and orthogonal constraints are kept. Add/remote points and create L and U shape easily.
Manual creation
Sometimes, complex shaped buildings cannot be extracted with the brush or the automatic processes. Manual tools are there to help you in such cases. Use the free / circle / rectangular shape tools. Each tool can create building footprint or create hole inside them.
Merge footprints
Use the Merge brush to draw over footprints you want to merge. It is a very quick way to merge shapes.
Production ready
Digibati tiles large raster virtually, allowing to manage and monitor your production easily.
Quality thematics
Digibati assigns a quality rank to each building extracted automatically. This is the perfect tool for your quality control.
Translate, rotate and scale
You can at any time translate, rotate and/or scale your building footprints. This is perfect when importing external data to fit them to the working raster.
Update your data
Digibati is the ideal tool to update existing building data. Load an existing Shapefile and edit it in a row.
Building height evaluation
Add height to your data
You can use shadow analysis on your own data. Just drag n’drop your building footprints shapefile into Digibati and extract their height.
Calibrating the system
Set the acquisition date and time or define a reference building to calibrate the Height evaluation engine.
Height edition
You may need to adjust building manually. Just grab the shadow vector and adjust it quickly. You can edit multiple buildings at once by selecting them.
Quality thematics
Digibati assigns a quality rank to each building extracted automatically. This is the perfect tool for your quality control.
Shadow analysis
Digibati analyse the shadows and extract building height in few seconds. See the buildings grow in realtime.
Shadow mask
Adjust the shadow mask to tell Digibati which parts of the image fall into the shadow. The shadow mask threshold slider updates the mask in realtime allowing you to check it at a glance.
Trees extraction
Automatic detection
Launch a tree detection. Watch the results in few seconds. Adjust the overall tree hue in case of poor detection.
Tree densification
Tree densification can be adjusted to get sparse tree areas or massive forests.
Trees edition
Use the brush tool to draw forests, dig a clearing or add single trees. Tree areas can be added with polygons as well.
Building roof shape extraction
Automatic roof extraction
Digibati extracts roof ridge lines automatically based on the underlying imagery. Moreover, the automatic extraction can be constrained to get meet any roof configuration.
Create roof shapes manually
Create complex roof shapes manually thanks to the user friendly roof edition tools.
Edit ridges lines
Each ridge line can be edited horizontally or vertically with constrained to ensure creating valid roofs.
Roof texture atlas
Roof textures can be exported within texture atlases to meet realtime 3D engine performance requirements.
Input / Output
Digitabati takes place seamlessly into your production workflow thanks to its support of industrial standard formats.
  • Ortho-rectified natural color imagery
  • Image formats: Jpeg2000, GeoTiff, Jpeg, Png, Img, Bmp
  • Band depth: 8bits / 16bits
  • Band numbers: 3 or 4 (alpha channel is skipped)
  • DTM file: 16 bit integer or 32 bits floats
  • SHP file: Load existing building shapefile
  • Buildings format: Shapefile, Collada, KMZ, .X
  • Trees format: Shapefile, plain text
  • Building location points: Shapefile
  • DTM: Collada, KMZ
  • Textured 3D export
  • Unity3D compliant Collada files
  • LOD (Level of detail) support
System requirements
Minimum system requirements
  • Win 7+ / OSX 10.12+ – 64bits version
  • OpenGL 3.3+
  • 512 MB VRAM
  • 4 GB RAM
  • Intel/AMD dual core 1.6GHz CPU
  • 120 MB hard-disk space
  • 1440 x 900 pixels display
  • Internet connection
Recommended system requirements
  • Win 7+ / OSX 10.12+ – 64bits version
  • OpenGL 4+
  • 1 GB VRAM
  • 8 GB RAM
  • Intel/AMD multi-core 2.4GHz CPU
  • 120 MB hard-disk space
  • FullHD display
  • Internet connection